This is not a bad screen sharing client for iOS. You can log in to other computers from here. However, dont be fooled by the rather pricey cost here. This is a nice looking but rather vanilla viewer. It has some number of nice pad gestures but doesnt go too far. Youll be used to those amazing Mac touch pad and iPhone gestures from Apple that youd love Screens to implement too. For example zooming and scrolling is not always quite as intuitive as youd want it. But its still pretty nice. However, connectivity is a bit of an issue. For example, Screens doesnt support screen sharing to Apple Remote Desktop connections. On other occasions it also just sometimes wouldnt connect without apparent reason and in uncluttered local networks.
So Id say this would be a nice $2 deal but it doesnt sound like a heavy duty $20 app.
ace apertura about Screens VNC - Control your computer remotely